There’s No Shame in Bribing Americans to Get Vaccinated

Doughnuts, fish plates, cash… whatever works

Michael Arceneaux


Source: Getty Images

This past March, a corporate executive aware of his vast customer base had an idea to speed up the efforts to vaccinate more Americans and help end the ongoing hell that is this plague: a free doughnut in exchange for proof of vaccination.

Given the realities of life in 2021, of course this campaign prompted criticism from some within the medical community, including doctor and frequent CNN talking head Leana Wen, MD. Apparently, Krispy Kreme giving away some of their frosty-ass doughnuts is a bad example of how to incentivize vaccinations. (And don’t take that as shade, Krispy Kreme lovers. I’m more of a Shipley’s Do-Nut kind of guy, but those KK doughnuts hit when eaten hot.)

I happen to enjoy Wen when she’s asking Americans to please stop courting death during a pandemic, but when it comes to this line of criticism from her and others, respectfully, I want some of us to know when to choose our battles. Part of that comes with accepting the country you live in.



Michael Arceneaux

New York Times bestselling author of “I Can’t Date Jesus” and “I Don’t Want To Die Poor.”