The Only Black Guy in the Office

How I Learned to Demand My Worth in Salary Negotiations

You can’t put a price on self-worth, but you can definitely value yourself when talking compensation

The Only Black Guy In the Office
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2020


Illustration: Richard A. Chance

Update 6/7/22: Level has a new home. You can read this article and other new articles by visiting

I never expected to land my current job. But it wasn’t for lack of relevant experience or work ethic. Thing is, I was coming off a series of fruitless interviews with other companies, and after nearly two months, it seemed like this recruitment process would fizzle out just like the others. I’d already started looking elsewhere when I got word that I landed the position. My first reaction was shock, then elation, then both were wiped away by the anxiety that descended when I realized I’d need to have the salary conversation — the most dreaded of special cloth talks.

Negotiating your salary is an exercise in tactics. You obviously don’t want to shortchange yourself, and padding your salary history a bit is just good business, but you also need to be wary of overshooting your shot. It’s a delicate balance for anyone, but when you’re a Black person in spaces where there are very few people who look like you, that tightrope feels thinner and higher…



The Only Black Guy In the Office
Writer for

Do you know him? Is it you? The trials and tribulations of a Black man navigating corporate life.