Just Rankin’ Sh!t

The 5 Most Ridiculous 9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Ranked

Thoughts gone wild!

Omar L. Gallaga
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2020


Photo: Jerry Trudell the Skys the Limit/Getty Images

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5. Insider traders got a heads up

Stock traders on Wall Street stay schemin’, but although some trades that went down in the days before 9/11 involved stock options betting against airlines of the hijacked flights, they were each investigated and found to have nothing to do with al-Qaida or the attacks.

4. The attacks were controlled demolitions

Two of the most well-known theories involve how the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 came down due to explosives on the scene. “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams!” they say. “It was an inside job!” they insist. “Google it!” Scientists have spent years explaining how the buildings actually fell using, you know, science, and reports that were updated after the initial findings.

3. The U.S. military stood down

Did former Vice President Dick Cheney order the military not to respond to the attacks or engage with the hijacked planes? Nope. In fact, although there was some confusion…



Omar L. Gallaga
Writer for

Tech culture writer and podcaster, now freelancing in Texas. Bylines: Washington Post, WSJ, CNN, NPR, Wired, Texas Monthly. Here for all your wordy needs.