Smokey’s 7 Worst Enemies in ‘Friday,’ Ranked

Who will it be? You’ll have to read to know this, maaaan!

LEVEL Editors
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2020


Photo illustration. Photo source: New Line

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7. Pastor Clever

From his bustleback Seville to his play for Mrs. Parker, everything about Bernie Mac’s character screamed false shepherd. But his biggest sinny-sin-sin was trying to get in on Smokey’s stash without putting something on it. No holy-rolling for you, Pastor!

6. Ezal

The solution to Smokey’s problem is obvious: Just pay off Big Worm with the money that Deebo already stole from Stanley. Genius! He would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling crackhead. Forget the neck and the back—Ezal’s biggest pain was in the ass.

5. His mama

We’re not even tripping off the fact that Joann sent him to the store for cigarettes without enough money. But damn, when your son comes knocking because he’s in desperate need of a bathroom, you can’t even unlock the door? Ain’t no love.

4. Hector



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