Now Is the Time for White People to Pick a Side

The Capitol insurrection awakened some of America’s greater parts. But can the country’s majority stay woke?

Bonsu Thompson


Photo: Jana Shnipelson/Unsplash

The storming and seizing of the Capitol building will forever remain etched in our collective memory. It’s challenging to forget an assault on democracy or see a federal institution penetrated. Politicians were hunted for harming. We saw property destroyed and defaced — with feces and urine left behind.

The damage superseded government property. A week after the insurrection, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released a video sharing her experience inside the Capitol as she hid from domestic terrorists while fearing her life. Four Democratic members of Congress caught Covid-19, likely due to being bunkered for hours with unmasked Republicans. The siege produced several deaths, including a woman who was crushed, another shot in the neck, and suicides by a Capitol police officer and a rioter who faced criminal charges.

While the insurrection was a treasonous travesty of historic proportions, it may prove to be a real watershed moment. Whether in Tulsa in 1921 or Charlottesville in 2017, America has a habit of deflecting from the truth. Yet what spoke thunderously over the past week wasn’t a visually impaired United States of America. Instead…



Bonsu Thompson
Writer for

Bonsu Thompson is a writer, producer, Brooklynite and 2019 Sundance Screenwriters Lab fellow.