
I, McLovin From ‘Superbad,’ Believe Using Fake Documents to Escape Oppression Is Wrong

Unless it’s to buy alcohol underage or avoid getting a vaccine

Carlos Greaves
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2021


Photo Illustration: Save As/Medium; Source: Columbia Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

We have a crisis at the southern border. Migrants are coming from all over the Caribbean and Latin America to the U.S.-Mexico border. Many of whom are using fake immigration documents to enter the country, just so they can come here and work hard to make a better life for themselves and their families. And I, Fogell aka McLovin, the 25-year-old organ donor from Hawaii, believe that using forged documents to sidestep the law is never okay. Unless, of course, it’s for something innocent like buying alcohol underage. Or to avoid an unjust law like this new vaccine mandate.

For those who knew me in high school as that nerdy kid with glasses who had a fake ID with only one name on it like I was some sort of pop star or Brazilian soccer player, it might surprise you to learn that I have staunchly conservative views on immigration and am totally against getting the Covid-19 vaccine. But it shouldn’t actually be that shocking, considering the primary goal of my friend group in high school was to buy alcohol so we could get girls drunk enough to sleep with us. I’m not exactly the type of guy that subscribes to the idea that my actions have…



Carlos Greaves
Writer for

Carlos is an electrical engineer turned humor writer. His debut book, Spoilers: Essays That Might Ruin Your Favorite Hollywood Movies was published October 2023