Democrats Have No Idea How to Combat Republicans’ Racism

How many more elections will it cost them?

Michael Arceneaux


Photo: Al Drago/Getty Images

When it comes to former Governor Terry McAuliffe’s loss to GOP nominee Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia gubernatorial election, it didn’t take long for some goofy White moderates to do what goofy White moderates so often do: fault colored folks for their failures.

On Wednesday, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia blamed the so-called purist demands of certain Democrats as the reason why Youngkin — a man who ran on a campaign based on a lie that critical race theory was running rampant in Virginia public schools and making White children feel guilty about being White — bested McAuliffe.

“Democrats in Congress hurt Terry McAuliffe,” Kaine reportedly told a group of reporters at the Capitol. Kaine added that he and fellow Virginia Senator Mark Warner had been warning their caucus about the need to pass either the $1 billion infrastructure bill or some version of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” social spending bill ahead of the election.

“Instead, Democrats wanted to be purist about whatever their own particular goals were — left, right, and center — and hold out, and dither, and delay,” Kaine noted. “So that hurt Terry in a close race.”



Michael Arceneaux

New York Times bestselling author of “I Can’t Date Jesus” and “I Don’t Want To Die Poor.”