Can We Cut the Crap and Mandate Covid-19 Vaccination Already?

Variants are spreading. Cases are surging. We’re beyond the blame game — it’s time for drastic action.

Michael Arceneaux


Photo: Camilo Freedman/Getty Images

In what has become an ongoing theme of this plague, a hypocrite was recently celebrated as a hero for doing the bare minimum. Last Thursday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey argued that it was “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for the continued spread of Covid-19. As if she hasn’t played a role in the looming peril that is the fourth wave of this pandemic.

“I want folks to get vaccinated,” Ivey explained to reporters in Birmingham. “That’s the cure. That prevents everything… We don’t need to encourage people to just go halfway with curing this disease. Let’s get it done. And we know what it takes to get it done: Get a shot in your arm.”

Presumably because it was a Republican saying this, Ivey garnered more attention for her remarks than she otherwise deserved. The same can be said of other Republican governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis, who recently issued an impassioned plea for more Floridians to take the vaccine in light of rising infection rates due to the Delta variant. Anyone who doesn’t encourage massive death is being helpful on a basic level, but hold the applause for those in positions of power who…



Michael Arceneaux

New York Times bestselling author of “I Can’t Date Jesus” and “I Don’t Want To Die Poor.”