A Conversation on Breasts, Beards, and Binaries

Gender dysphoria is robbing me of my birthright

Pax Ahimsa Gethen
Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2018


The author running in a sports bra and shorts toward the finish line of the U.S. Half Marathon, San Francisco, November 2012. Photo: Ziggy Tomcich

Content note: Medical issues and (by some interpretations) partial nudity.

Yesterday, I was walking home from the bus stop after a lab appointment for my biweekly testosterone injection. It was the first sunny day in what seemed like weeks, and I was uncomfortably warm: In…



Pax Ahimsa Gethen
Writer for

Queer agender trans male. Black vegan atheist, pacifist. Pronouns: they/them/their. funcrunch.org, patreon.com/funcrunch