Barring Critical Race Theory Is Conservatives’ Latest Pathetic Political Stunt

Republicans seek to rewrite history in public school curriculums while whitewashing systemic racism and riling up the GOP base

Michael Arceneaux


Photo: Getty Images

Last week, the Nevada Family Alliance suggested that teachers in the Washoe County School District wear body cameras to ensure that they’re not teaching critical race theory to students. I’m surprised they didn’t also suggest dogs be trained to sniff out signs of White guilt. Maybe at the next school board meeting?

“Creating a record that could be viewed by appropriate parties, if necessary, might be the best way to urge teachers to stick to traditional teaching,” said Karen England, executive director and founder of the Nevada Family Alliance, in a statement released last Wednesday.

“We expect that the teachers’ unions will reject this proposal immediately,” England added. “But we should ask, what they have to hide? If police do a better job interacting with the public when they are wearing body cameras, how much more important is it for teachers to do the same?”

Like many of you, until very recently I was blessedly unaware of the existence of the Nevada Family Alliance, which purports to be a “watchdog organization” that…



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