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Dear Level
5 Habits of Highly Insecure Men That Women Hate
We all have moments where we lack confidence—but that’s no free pass to be a creep
I recently found myself in a cringeworthy virtual conversation with Jacob, a film producer who gives off some powerful #MeToo vibes. I don’t speak with this guy often, but when I do, it’s always alarming. He’s usually tipsy or full-blown drunk. With each sip, he loses more of his composure and is less able to hide his true intentions.
“You’re so smart,” he slurred.
“You’re dynamic. Do you know that?” he continued. “And you’re gorgeous. A powerhouse. None of the men you’ve ever been with know how to handle you. I mean, do you know how beautiful you are?”
His compliments flowed unedited, one after another, in a conversationally unnatural manner. On the surface, they may seem flattering, but each show of praise was a thinly veiled attempt to disarm me.
“You’re absolutely right,” I responded to his rant. “I’m all of those things and more. Thank you for seeing me exactly as I am.”
“Whoa!” he said. “Be humble!”
“Be humble? So, you can compliment me, but I can’t compliment myself. I can’t see myself as I am, but I can see myself through your…